A Brief Introduction to this Page's Purpose

Not Another Dime! is dedicated to documenting the assorted, and sometimes wild, details of Mr. Ken Whitman's business dealings within the Role Playing Game (RPG) industry. This place is NOT intended to be a medium of discussion about Mr. Whitman, pro or con, but instead be a "jumping off" point to enable the reader to make their own informed decision about Mr. Whitman's history and business character. (Editor's Note: After years of this documentation, we simply cannot be anything BUT "con" when it comes to Mr. Whitman)

Whenever possible, links to the original source material will be provided, but in many cases that information may have been deleted or secured behind restricted-access (like a private Facebook page) accounts.

Anything posted here is the opinion of the retrospective author and any content shown is to be considered "fair use" and posted for educational purposes only.

Note to authors: Please begin each post with the original date of the event being documented in the format of YYYY.MM.DD (i.e. If the event being recorded happened on March 15th, 2015 and today's date was August 8th, 2018 the beginning of the post's title would be 2015.03.15 and not 2018.08.08) so readers can use the Chronology page to find specific information. Please use appropriate tags when possible for the same reason.

Note to contributors: If you have some valid data to send, screenshots, links to other Ken Whitman stories, etc., please feel free to send a gmail to notanotherdimeblog. We'll look into it and post if appropriate.

Friday, December 9, 2016

2016.12.09 NAD Receives Some Info That Needs to be Passed On....

2016.12.09 NAD Receives Some Info That Needs to be Passed On....
We here at Not Another Dime (For Ken Whitman) received an email about a new Traveller license for a card game that is....well, here....you guys can read this:

"Hi.  I wanted to let you know that today I launched a card game adaptation of Traveller.

I know the issues with the TravellerTV project, but our company is not affiliated with Ken Whitman in any way, and our project is not connected, other than we both license the Traveller IP.

I don't want to be associated with his dishonesty, especially since he has a reputation for launching multiple campaigns for money.

I am not asking you to advertise my campaign (hence no link or details), but if you would consider letting your audience know we're not in the line of fire, that would be appreciated!

Thank you for your time!

By the way, I got hosed on the Robotech RPG Tactics Kickstarter, so I love what you're doing!

Jeff Yin | [redacted email]

Note: This email was sent via the Contact Form gadget on http://notanotherdime.blogspot.com"

Just because Jeff didn't post a link, it doesn't mean we won't.....good luck Jeff.*

*Just the simple fact this Kickstarter has appropriate credits for the talent and music provided in the intro video makes us believe that our "hero" isn't involved with this project. 


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