A Brief Introduction to this Page's Purpose

Not Another Dime! is dedicated to documenting the assorted, and sometimes wild, details of Mr. Ken Whitman's business dealings within the Role Playing Game (RPG) industry. This place is NOT intended to be a medium of discussion about Mr. Whitman, pro or con, but instead be a "jumping off" point to enable the reader to make their own informed decision about Mr. Whitman's history and business character. (Editor's Note: After years of this documentation, we simply cannot be anything BUT "con" when it comes to Mr. Whitman)

Whenever possible, links to the original source material will be provided, but in many cases that information may have been deleted or secured behind restricted-access (like a private Facebook page) accounts.

Anything posted here is the opinion of the retrospective author and any content shown is to be considered "fair use" and posted for educational purposes only.

Note to authors: Please begin each post with the original date of the event being documented in the format of YYYY.MM.DD (i.e. If the event being recorded happened on March 15th, 2015 and today's date was August 8th, 2018 the beginning of the post's title would be 2015.03.15 and not 2018.08.08) so readers can use the Chronology page to find specific information. Please use appropriate tags when possible for the same reason.

Note to contributors: If you have some valid data to send, screenshots, links to other Ken Whitman stories, etc., please feel free to send a gmail to notanotherdimeblog. We'll look into it and post if appropriate.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

We Suspect That the Only Think Ken "Whit" Whitman Can Do Right is Take Your Money...and We're Not Even Sure of That!

We Suspect That the Only Think Ken "Whit" Whitman Can Do Right is Take Your Money...and We're Not Even Sure of That!
Tenkar's Tavern posted a YouTube clip about Little Monsters Entertainment holding an acting retreat, so we looked at the website and wow.....just wow.

So it looks like 'Ol Kenny is doubling-down on trying to make people pay to be employed on his "real movie set". This whole thing makes us shake our heads here at NAD and after a while it's just easier to make a quick list:

  • The Little Monsters Entertainment website shows as a Wordpress site, but for some reason the icon being used is from Square payment processing, so we're guessing it's all built around taking your credit card payments. 
  • There is more than one "Actors Retreat", basically there is one for each movie currently "in production"
  • If you select "Learn More" on the next "Musical Actors Retreat" which is in September for the movie The Wrestling Movie, you be taken to the page for Home-Less for the Holidays.
    • If you then click on "Actors Retreat" for that movie....you go nowhere. 
  • If instead you select "Enroll Now" on that "Musical Actors Retreat" you'll go to an enrollment page for the "CHRISTMAS ACTORS RETREAT". We're not yelling.....it's how the page is setup and contrary to how every other page it titled!
This is it, there isn't more...

As an aside.....having a consistently functioning website is a lot easier to pull off than producing a movie.....stick to screwing up Facebook posts,,,
  • The page for the upcoming film "Eating Each Other" is titled girldowntown. Girldowntown.....girldowntown.....that feels familiar...holy crap, that was the pet project back in 2016 for Kenny's daughter. That fundrasing production predated Little Monsters Entertainment by a lot....
Holy shit, it looks like our main-man Ken (or Whit) Whitman is recycling?! That movie should have shipped January 2017! Oh, and according to IMDB it's being produced by The School of Cinematic Arts. Again, this movie predates the producer by about eight years! Oh and holy hell does the "Girldowntown" Facebook page provide for a wierd-ass rabbit hole. A bunch of odd clickbait attempts to get you to look at some "zombie fact" that doesn't exist....

  • The "Horror Comedy Retreat" has different women on the poster and one on the Actors Retreat page looks like a bad  photoshop job and was pulled from a different movie, hell a different genre of movie!
It really feels like Kenny is doing all the online marketing for his scams on the cheap and by himself, but that's just our speculation. Not sure how long he can keep this cycle up....

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

2024.04.25 1st Hand Account of One of Ken Whit Whitman's Actors


2024.04.25 1st Hand Account of One of Ken Whit Whitman's Actors

So one of Whit Whitman's actors for Unnatural has spoken up. Megan Reneau has this to say (the one emphasis is ours):

"I had a lot of fun last year with the filming of UnNatural. Can’t say I’m not grateful for the plot twist it gave my life which was needed for my heart. 

It was supposed to be the start of an on set educational experience for aspiring actors. There were promises of one on one with the lead actors(names), classes etc. This was supposed to be run like a SAG set (yes they used union name), it was a far cry from union. And I should know, that’s how my career started, was all union. I could list how many ways this set was a far cry from union standards.

It was unfortunate for so many students to not acquire what was in their contracts, like demo reels, return investments, one on ones etc. 

Then to really show how non union and not good this set was. Crew was not paid and still hasn’t been paid to date. 

To this company, Little Monsters Entertainment(LME), they believe in using who they can, actors and crew for money. Taking advantage. They use them and then figure if they don’t like not being paid or not getting what they were contractually promised, they’ll find the next gullible team and actors. 

On 12 Till Dawn, following to film closely after UnNatural, I took part, hoping the kinks were worked out and that it was a work in progress. It was not. This production was worse. This is when I stepped out. KMVoice had to stop due to what was going on. They weren’t going to back LME if they were treating both them and students wrongfully.

On 12 Till Dawn, LME told all the local Kentucky actors that he thought nothing of them. That they were just local actors and that the film was probably not going to be any good. He said this to their faces. Paying students! Within the first few days, and that he didn’t even read the script till a few days before (give or take a day). Only one crew member did all the work even though coming down to film,  was told there would be more crew. He made the whole movie! Sound, AD, DP you name it. LME took advantage of KMVoice. 

When KMVoice didn’t want to crew the next projects because of contracts not being paid or being accountable. Or at least not till problems were rectified. LME treated them like trash and discarded them.

LME still has contracts with KMVoice that haven’t been terminated and still haven’t expired. 

What I see here is LME trying to make claims to stand on because what they are doing is wrong. This has become a huge scam. 

I feel sorry for the actors who are signing up for LME’s future projects. Investing in these “educational” movies. 

I’ve said very little on here to how much is going on because it would be very long.

I hope SAG-AFTRA gets involved. As LME’s trying to sell false educational system using SAGs name as their standard. 

I hope my post deters actors from supporting the Little Monsters Entertainment company. Productions need to stop till things are rectified or fixed. Or someone does it, but does it the right way.

Was almost a good thing."

Just as a point of order.....allegedly these productions, at least according to IMDB, which presumably Ken Whit Whitman is in charge of updating, are being done by the "School of Cinematic Arts"

So....the business, at least according to the initial state filing, is a for-profit business. If it's really Little Monster Entertainment (LME) actually "employing" students, is the School of Cinematic Arts a front? Who is there to teach students and enable them to grow and learn....and why would they be PAYING?! That does sound like a for-profit "School", but it begs the question, what is supposed to be the profit-generating operation, as in who is the customer? Those watching the released film or those creating the unreleased film?

Generally speaking, anytime a job asks you to pay to work, it's a scam. This isn't an opinion of anyone here at NAD (Edit: Yes, yes it is!), but this comes from the Federal Trade Commission, on their "scam jobs" page:

"Honest employers, including the federal government, will never ask you to pay to get a job. Anyone who does is a scammer."

2024.05.01 Edit: The author had some confusion between the School of Cinematic Arts and the Community Film Collaborative. The former is listed as a for-profit enterprise, at least until they fail to file the yearly report, and the latter is a defunct charity, while both appear to be scam fronts for the Little Monster Entertainment, which is a current LLC that Whit Whitman is running (under his legal name of Kenneth Whitman). If this sounds confusing, our presumption is that is by intention......and even we get tripped up sometimes!

2024.05.01 Whit Whitman's Scamsite Currently Not Taking Donations

2024.05.01 Whit Whitman's Scamsite Currently Not Taking Donations
Just checked and Ken Whit Whitman's charity fundraising website (a Square site) is still up, but the donation function is currently (temporarily?) inoperative......BUT we found a placeholder Wordpress site. We'll keep checking this out.....

Community Film Collaborative Inc. (Squaresite) 

Community Film Collaborative Org (Wordpress)

2024.05.01 Interesting Video re: Whit Whitman

2024.05.01 Interesting Video re: Whit Whitman

...more to follow. There is a LOT to unpack here. Thankfully quite a bit of the interview has been covered, BUT this is a great 1st party account.

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

2024.02.13 Ken "Whit" Whitman Will Still Take Your Money, but Probably not Legally

2024.02.13 Ken "Whit" Whitman Will Still Take Your Money, but Probably not Legally
Over a year ago we totally waived the Bullshit flag that our main man Ken "Whit" Whitman was up to some shady shit. Ok, we just said things were not passing the sniff test in regard to his (then) new company Community Film Collaborative, Inc

Now we know Kenny's been bad with movie money, he knows he's been bad with movie money ("My name is Ken Whitman and I am a bad businessman" and if you've followed along with any of the various movie-related Kickstarters, you'd probably come to the same natural conclusion.

Ken "Whit" Whitman Passing Himself off as President of Community Film Collaborative, LLC

So, what's a better idea than donating more money to Kenny so he can start "Teaching Underprivileged Young Adults the Art of Filmmaking & Storytelling" This is direct from Kenny's Whit Whitman LinkedIn Profile, where he's listed himself as "President" from "Oct 2022 to Present"

We have to give Kenny some credit because, on paper, he looked like he was trying to be legit. Thing is when it comes to money, he's proven time and time again (come on....at least 11 Kickstarters) that he cannot be trusted.

Now before anyone wants to support Mr. Whitman here and come to his defense by stating, "What do you mean he can't be trusted?!" I cannot state upfront or unequivocally that he's stolen money through the Community Film Collaborative, Inc., but I <edit> This particular author, although the rest of the team probably agrees</edit> do ascribe to the belief that if something looks shady, that's just as bad as being shady and in the absence of proof otherwise, it is safe to make a logical assumption.

Now a good point has already been made that the info that Ken "Whit" Whitman was putting out about his non-profit didn't add up (pass the sniff test). If you haven't read that post, then you should do so and then continue on here......we'll wait.

Ok then.

Community Film Collaborative, LLC no longer an active company

A quick search shows that the Community Film Collaborative, Inc. was formed on August 3rd, 2022, BUT it was inactivated a year later when the company did not file the required Annual Report. 

So right off the bat, the company that Kenny is President of.....doesn't exist. Might want to scratch that off of the old LinkedIn profile there buddy!

Community Film Collaborative, LLC Filed with the IRS
Click to enlarge

Now since Kenny was touting that he was a non-profit, he had to do an extra filing with the IRS and sure enough, that particular form was filed 2022.09.14, but wait a second.....what's that over there by Form 990 required? Oh yeah, that says "Yes".

Now you may not realize this, but non-profits need to file taxes too!

From the Library of Congress: "The 990 is the tax form the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requires all 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charitable and nonprofit organizations to submit annually. The Form 990 is designed to increase financial transparency and includes revenue, expenditure, and income data in addition to information used to assess whether a nonprofit aligns with federal requirements for tax-exempt status. "

Even though Community Film Collaborative, Inc. isn't an actual company now, much less a legitimate 501c3 non-profit, they were one at the end of 2022, so they were to file one for 2022. Now that is publicly available information, so we should conceivably be able to find that information through the Kentucky Attorney General's Office: "The Form 990 shall be filed with the Attorney General each year in which contributors are solicited in the Commonwealth at the same time the form is filed with the Internal Revenue Service.

Community Film Collaborative, LLC Never Filed a Form 990
Click to enlarge

That means we can look up Kenny's fundraising information!

Of course, there is no way he's going to let that happen. The KY AG does let you download the rather long list of all the non-profits that have filed their Form 990 and wouldn't you know, Community Film Collaborative is not listed! The PDF is larger than letter-sized and 147 pages long. Ken "Whit" Whitman's charity should be listed on page 32, but there is a noticeable gap.

Now this particular page doesn't have any 2023 entries on it, other pages do, and it was updated yesterday.

To make things a little easier, here is a quick shot of the entries that should be before and after "Community Film Collaborative, Inc." To be thorough, I did look up the organization number just to make sure it wasn't misfiled somehow, just because we know Kenny isn't the best as spelling, although I doubt that could be a factor in this particular instance.

Community Film Collaborative, LLC should be in between these two companies

If you haven't read the post before this one, you might want to because we're circling around to a point from that post. 

As of 2024.02.13 Ken "Whit" Whitman is still taking your money!
Click to enlarge
To sum things up we now have Ken "Whit" Whitman running a new company he's calling a school, as in it's literally in the name "School of Cinematic Arts", and it has taken over as producer (according to IMDB, which presumably Kenny has been updating) of all of the films in the Little Monster Entertainment pipeline, including the one that was crowdfunded several years ago. Ken is still promoting himself as President of a defunct charity that has never submitted its books to the Kentucky Attorney General, as required by the IRS. We have no idea how much money he's collected, much less spent, but at least he's not using the defunct company to solicit more donations.....

Oh wait......he still is......and he's calling himself CEO on the donation/funding/commerce/squaresite page for Community Film Collaborative, Inc., the company that was....for not even a year.