"Ken Whitman asking for help was not not [sic] on my 2024 Bingo card. What a joke"
Of course his interest was piqued and one info request later we got this message:
"I am writing to verify the distribution status of the KODT DVDs. The completed episodes were
provided to ZOE, who out of kindness handled DVD distribution to backers. However, I want to confirm whether you received your copy.
Please respond to this message with:
Your backer name/information Whether you received a DVD from ZOE
If you recieve it, please confirm your current mailing address This information will help me:
Document which backers still need fulfillment
Follow up with ZOE regarding any missing deliveries
Create a clear record of the current situation
I understand there has been a lot of confusion and frustration around this project. While I no longer hold the rights to produce or distribute KODT content, I want to ensure every backer receives what they were promised.
Please respond within the next 14 days so I can compile a complete list and determine next steps.
Thank you for your patience and assistance in resolving this matter.
Sincerely, Ken Whitman"
Holy hell, this is a lot to digest......lets go through it quickly:
"I am writing to verify the distribution status of the KODT DVDs. The completed episodes were provided to ZOE, who out of kindness handled DVD distribution to backers. However, I want to confirm whether you received your copy."
No....."complete episodes" were not provided to ZOE. They got the one episode and a bunch of rough cuts and raw footage that Ben Dobyns worked on in his "own time (and dime)" according to Jolly Blackburn. Kenny DID try to take credit for those DVDs, in court no less, BUT they were supposed to be Blu-Rays. 291 were promised Blu-Rays that had a lot more than just the three episodes...
"Please respond to this message with:
Your backer name/information Whether you received a DVD from ZOE
If you receive it, please confirm your current mailing address This information will help me:
Document which backers still need fulfillment
Follow up with ZOE regarding any missing deliveries
Create a clear record of the current situation"
So if ZOE missed someone you are going to do...what? You've already stated you cannot deliver the product, the product that was worked on privately by a third party isn't the product you promised, and were paid for....the clear record of the situation is that you owe a LOT of people refunds as you don't/can't/haven't provide(d) what you signed up for. THAT is the "current situation".
"I understand there has been a lot of confusion and frustration around this project. While I no longer hold the rights to produce or distribute KODT content, I want to ensure every backer receives what they were promised."
No confusion as you haven't delivered much of anything technically. No DVDs, no Blu-Rays, no movie posters, no premier (don't forget that the GenCon premiere wasn't ACTUALLY the promised premiere as he showed footage at an earlier convention...oh and you didn't have the promised, and again paid for, after-party with the actors. Again, 99% of promised content has not been delivered by Ken "Whit" Whitman (remember that he is personally liable as D20 Entertainment didn't exist when the Kickstarter ran) and he's telling us he cannot deliver it even if he had something to deliver....
"Please respond within the next 14 days so I can compile a complete list and determine next steps.
Thank you for your patience and assistance in resolving this matter.
Sincerely, Ken Whitman"
Please, please hurry and give Kenny your contact info that he already has access to (providing it doesn't need updating) so he can hurry up and resolve an issue he's largely ignored for....what...roughly 116 weeks at least?
intersting side comment. Ken Whitman does NOT have the Zoe-edited/rescued episodes to send out. That's because he had ZERO to do with getting the DVDs to backers since he'd long abandoned the project and refused respond. So this is all an effort to blow smoke while he attempts to ease back into the sphere of gaming, I suppose.
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