You know the one....this is the vehicle Ken Whitman remarked on in the Kickstarter comments, on August 8th, "The infamous Car....
While shooting KODT the local car dealer allowed me to test drive a 2009 300S, I thought it would be fun to drive the actors around in it during the shoot. At no cost to me, I said why not - I knew that I could not afford it but the car dealer believed I would want to buy it. Of course I turned it in two weeks on the dot and settled for a 2001 Cadillac at a cost of $3500. I just paid off the 18 month loan... yeah for KEN!"
I am so calling bullshit on this one! Ken Whitman's statements are so full of it I'm not even sure where to begin. 1st of all, common sense dictates no dealer is going to allow you to "test drive" a car for two weeks. 2nd, that is clearly against Kentucky code, as specified in the Kentucky
Motor Vehicle Commission Dealer Handbook, "A prospective customer who is operating a vehicle bearing a dealer plate shall be limited to one (1) demonstration trip unless he is accompanied by the licensed dealer to whom that plate is issued, or a licensed sales person for that dealer."
Now....if you had just bought the vehicle you'd have use of temporary tags, which are good for thirty days, "A temporary tag is valid for thirty days from the date the vehicle is delivered to the purchaser."

You know....let's take a look at Ken Whitman's "borrowed" car, shall we? Fortunately for us there is at least one picture from Jolly Blackburn's Facebook posts and at least one picture sent in anonymously.
Funny Ken Whitman, I don't see either dealer plates or temporary tags on that you either illegally
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