Figuring he has already pocketed the $46,784 form the two Pencil Dice Kickstarters* I can only describe his willingness to sell $750 "Custom" Pencil Dice packages chutzpah. I hope the guys you are allegedly working with to sell your Kickstarter are aware that you are still collecting money (or trying to) on that project. I really hope they aren't surprised when your $10,000 in reported costs get some extra digits tack on.....

From Pencil Dice Update #9: "Yesterday I talked with fantasy artist Larry Elmore, and he said, "Let's make one I can give away to my fans."
And I said "YES! But I want to put them up as a stretch goal also!!!".
"Great idea!" Larry replied. And the Elmore Pencil Dice was born."
Fast-forward about a month during Larry Elmore's Snarfquest Kickstarter (March 12, 2015 Kickstarter Comment emphasis mine):
"I want to make a couple of things clear, I think some people are or were worried and/or confused about me involved on several kickstarters. Check my kickstarter profile and you will see that I have only been involved in two kickstarters, and they were mine. They were conceived, produced and with the help from all my backers, published by me. Sometimes my name gets used even without my permission, or people use my art, second rights, which they should pay me for...all of this is very difficult for me to keep up with. I currently am NOT working with Ken Whitman on any of my projects and have not worked with him for over a year. Sometimes he takes advantage of our friendship or persuades me to use my name as part of his product lines that I am not otherwise involved in. Also I have never authorized the use of my mailing lists for any purpose whatsoever! This is going to stop, I never want to be a "Kickstarter whore". From the very start I have only wanted to do three Kickstarters, two big artbooks (color and black & white) and this Snarfquest new adverture book. I may have future Kickstarters, but I do not see anything in the near future. Maybe I will do another in a few of years. I do want to work on new art and who knows where it may take me."
So maybe.....maybe Ken Whitman has Larry Elmore's permission to use his name, but Larry clearly denotes that even in these cases Ken Whitman "takes advantage" and "persuades"....definitely not the relationship as Ken Whitman states it.
Gee, Ken Whitman, if this is how you treat your friends, how do your treat your backers? Don't worry, anyone who bothers to read these posts already knows.....My real question is, does Chessex have a clue on how you are going to treat them?
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