A Brief Introduction to this Page's Purpose

Not Another Dime! is dedicated to documenting the assorted, and sometimes wild, details of Mr. Ken Whitman's business dealings within the Role Playing Game (RPG) industry. This place is NOT intended to be a medium of discussion about Mr. Whitman, pro or con, but instead be a "jumping off" point to enable the reader to make their own informed decision about Mr. Whitman's history and business character. (Editor's Note: After years of this documentation, we simply cannot be anything BUT "con" when it comes to Mr. Whitman)

Whenever possible, links to the original source material will be provided, but in many cases that information may have been deleted or secured behind restricted-access (like a private Facebook page) accounts.

Anything posted here is the opinion of the retrospective author and any content shown is to be considered "fair use" and posted for educational purposes only.

Note to authors: Please begin each post with the original date of the event being documented in the format of YYYY.MM.DD (i.e. If the event being recorded happened on March 15th, 2015 and today's date was August 8th, 2018 the beginning of the post's title would be 2015.03.15 and not 2018.08.08) so readers can use the Chronology page to find specific information. Please use appropriate tags when possible for the same reason.

Note to contributors: If you have some valid data to send, screenshots, links to other Ken Whitman stories, etc., please feel free to send a gmail to notanotherdimeblog. We'll look into it and post if appropriate.

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Kenny Reaches Out, but Why?


Kenny Reaches Out, but Why?
We've had to make an executive decision here at Not Another Dime (for Ken Whitman) that we were NOT going to let Kenny post on comments here, mostly because we didn't want a bunch of back & forth between the scammer and the scammed.

Oh yeah, well calling Ken "Whit" Whitman a scammer might be a bit much since as far as we know he hasn't been charged, much less convicted of a crime, BUT look at the other posts here, see how little has been produced over the course of six Kickstarters and $177K+

So to be technically compliant....it is NAD's opinion that Ken "Whit" Whitman has repeatedly used Kickstarter for "the intentional deception for monetary or personal gain".

As we've stated so many times......do the reading yourself (where you can). Follow the links where you can and come to your own conclusion. It's our opinion that the only reason Ken "Whit" Whitman hasn't been sued to oblivion is because nobody wants to just throw "good money after bad". You'll never get your money back and spending more money to try is an attempt in futility.

The reason we're posting today is because our main man reached out to us yesterday and it isn't a comment on a post and we thought it was a great example of expressing some opinions that might help an outsider make decision on which side of "Ken Whitman is a Scam Artist" debate (assuming there was one) they want to be on.

Ken "Whit" Whitman's Blog Contact
"It seems you only like to post the negative.   Pencil Dice are starting to ship and not a peep about it.   I mean you could try to take credit buy saying this sight drove me to finish off the rest of my kickstarters.   But I doubt you will do anything but post this and make fun of it.   But I say, whatever gets me publicity to sale more pencil dice.

Ken Whitman | kenwhitman888@gmail.com"

Wow....where to start?

1) Yes, this blog is pretty much negative. The material we have to work with (Ken "Whit" Whitman's business dealings) is predominately negative. Even stuff that might have a positive ring to it usually has a negative undertone to it (see our #4 point).

2) We here at NAD have no intention to "take credit" for trying to get Ken "Whit" Whitman to finish his Kickstarters. We do not think that will ever happen...technically it can never happen....no, we've been so clear on our main purpose that it is literally at the top of every page!

3) This blog, and the information contained within, is serious. There is nothing funny about a history of trying to scam and rip off people in general, much less the RPG industry. It could be argued that our main/primary purpose here is to keep Ken "Whit" Whitman from being able to prey upon people again so easily. Nothing funny here unless you're a fan of Schadenfreude

4) Here is the real reason for Kenny reaching out to us. Now we haven't heard a single report "out in the wild" of people getting their pencils. Checking Kickstarter today....two....two!!!! people have commented that they've gotten their pencils, and one of those admitted they didn't get all of their pencils! 2 of 1,351 backers, so 0.14% of backers have been partially fulfilled......not sure I'd crow about that! No, this email contact was to see if we'd post about it and give Kenny some free publicity that maybe there is a greater than zero percent chance that you too can order some pencil dice.....technically 0.14% is greater than zero.

We're thinking that somewhere Ken "Whit" Whitman probably has a secret pencil dice store. If you find it, please let us know.....

Give us a head's up if you find the secret store


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