Since, and this might be a little presumptuous of me, Ken "Whit" Whitman's"honest" isn't the right word...."possibly real" (?) Kickstarter was arguably the Castles & Crusades project, and that campaign ended well over a year ago, I'm not certain about adding 2016 to the list here. I mean the pencil dice and deck dice were clearly vapor-ware projects to put cash in Ken "Whit" Whitman's pockets*, to the tune of $51, 981 before Kickstarter fees and any postage add-ons or fees Kenny managed to swindle the backers for*.
Even with the three video projects....well, as far as I know they are done...stick a fork in them. I almost didn't even bother to close out 2015 "updates", but I did....for reasons, so here you go:
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*Yes, technically these are opinions, specifically my opinions, but with all the evidence "out there" I think my opinions are shared by most, if not all backers.
Good calendar! For some strange reason, it seems like a big wall-display in the squadroom of some cop-show like CSI. I am left with this odd impression...