I have what would normally be a selfish request.....I need help pimping this blog.
You see the main purpose of
Dime (
For Ken Whitman) is to help document all of his
shady business dealings to get them "out in the open" so people can make an informed decision the next time he comes
up for air around to peddle his influence as a connection to the old guard of the RPG world. The next time he tries to sell something, raise money, or promote himself as some sort of "expert" I would like this place to be a resource.

A biased resource...definitely....but with links back to the original content whenever possible a valuable resource nonetheless. None of the author's names are on this blog and while we,
well at least I, am/our not doing everything possible to scrub our identities, this little corner of the interwebs is not about us, but about Ken Whitman....
.....which is why I could really use help getting the word out. This blog, and the
Don't Fund Ken Whitman or d20 Entertainment need to be on the front page of a google search. Luckily we are 1/2 there.
If you feel you've been cheated, scammed, robbed, etc. from Ken Whitman, then do the next guy a favor and post a link to these two blogs on you favorite forums, Facebook, G+, etc. to help get the word "out there".
If you have some some 1st-hand information you'd like to share, please send it in....especially if there are links to material online we can reference. Heck, even some good pictures and screen-shots can be a HUGE help.
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