A Brief Introduction to this Page's Purpose

Not Another Dime! is dedicated to documenting the assorted, and sometimes wild, details of Mr. Ken Whitman's business dealings within the Role Playing Game (RPG) industry. This place is NOT intended to be a medium of discussion about Mr. Whitman, pro or con, but instead be a "jumping off" point to enable the reader to make their own informed decision about Mr. Whitman's history and business character. (Editor's Note: After years of this documentation, we simply cannot be anything BUT "con" when it comes to Mr. Whitman)

Whenever possible, links to the original source material will be provided, but in many cases that information may have been deleted or secured behind restricted-access (like a private Facebook page) accounts.

Anything posted here is the opinion of the retrospective author and any content shown is to be considered "fair use" and posted for educational purposes only.

Note to authors: Please begin each post with the original date of the event being documented in the format of YYYY.MM.DD (i.e. If the event being recorded happened on March 15th, 2015 and today's date was August 8th, 2018 the beginning of the post's title would be 2015.03.15 and not 2018.08.08) so readers can use the Chronology page to find specific information. Please use appropriate tags when possible for the same reason.

Note to contributors: If you have some valid data to send, screenshots, links to other Ken Whitman stories, etc., please feel free to send a gmail to notanotherdimeblog. We'll look into it and post if appropriate.

Friday, June 16, 2017

2017.06.16 Some 1st Hand Accounting (Pun Intended) Over on Facebook

2017.06.16 Some 1st Hand Accounting (Pun Intended) Over on Facebook
With all of the dumb drama on Facebook and over at Tenkar's Tavern, it is real easy to miss some good 1st hand accounting of some of the history of Ken "Whit" Whitman's slippery slope of multiple-Kickstarter scams.

Of course "scams" is our stated opinion, but we think by now the majority of folks reading this would tend to agree.

It is important to note that some of this information from Jolly Blackburn is opinion, but some is also just a recollection of what he experienced as a victim member of Kenzer & Company.

"Well the back story is Ken came to me personally about a Knights of the Dinner Table license. He'd been working with Larry Elmore on a few kickstarters and seemed to have turned a corner. Ken explained he had been ADD which had been undiagnosed and that he was on meds and for the first time in his life was connected with his emotions. There were tears, apologies. A story about how he wanted to rebuild his reputation. He invited my wife and I down to Kentucky to stay in his family Inn. They were doing Brothers Barbarian Season and we played cameos roles in it. I have to say I was impressed. There were probably 50 people running around and things were getting done on set. They'd already put one season in the can and it actually wasn't that bad. What can I say? After several months of observing, I felt maybe Ken had finally found his callng. More importantly he was finishing things. Everyone he worked with seemed happy.
Jolly Blackburn Recollection of the KoDT:LAS Kickstarter History

So I supported him when he made the pitch to KenzerCo for obtaining the license for his kickstarter. I believe in second chances and I thought Ken was going to do a great job.

Everything was fine until 24 hours after the funding hit his bank account. It was very clear something was amiss. And those working closely with him in Kentucky were sending emails saying so. 

So yeah. I bought into his line of crap.

My wife probably said it all best in her blog a few years ago.


"My theory is Ken had major debt going into the project and he used the money to pay that debt. Then he was broke, so he had to launch another kickstarter (Traveler) to find money for Knights of the Dinner Table. Then another KS to backfil and film Traveler, then another...

Jolly Blackburn Recollection of the KoDT:LAS Kickstarter History
Just a theory but he's on record saying he used the Pencil Dice funding to finish filming Knights of the Dinner Table. 

Don't worry about the criticisms (I don't recall it btw). It's deserved; I allowed him to use my name to lend faith to his project. I know I love of Knights of the Dinner Table fans backed the project because they trusted my judgement. One of the reasons I've felt so betrayed by Ken. He really did a number on our community and has the gall to act like the victim."

"Clearly. You know when it all started Ken presented a partner who was to be the 'money man'. The guy who would have to co-sign every check. It was like Ken knew he couldn't trust himself and this guy would keep things straight. Sadly THAT guy quit the project 24 hours after fundng after Ken refused to transfer the money from his personal account. Talk about a grenade. I knew we were in trouble at that point."


  1. Jolly was just as much a victim of Ken as any of the Kickstarter backers were. Ken is like a horrible STD. He eventually burns everybody that he touches, and some people will never be rid of his taint. Within the last year, I read a post where an anonymous poster was claiming that Ken still owed him monies for work rendered on the Ralph Bakshi Wizards RPG. That was published in 1992. I believe them.

  2. Everyone should gather all the information, evidence and testimony they can, for a concerted legal effort on Ken Whitman very soon after August. Since there is certainly doubt by now (after years and years) that he will complete anything, Ken Whitman needs to be legally disabled from taking in money from anyone else.

    It's bad enough that he extracted money from geeks and nerds, but now he went after the Atlanta acting community and got what was said to be about "a quarter of a million dollars", again without any clear sign anything was completed. What does he need so much money for? We don't care. A cross-community effort should be made to get the law involved. No undocumented medical "excuses" should be allowed either. Nor should we accept monetary compensation from him if it only came from the next step in a pyramid scheme. All money going in and out of Ken Whitman should be controlled and scrutinized.


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