A Brief Introduction to this Page's Purpose

Not Another Dime! is dedicated to documenting the assorted, and sometimes wild, details of Mr. Ken Whitman's business dealings within the Role Playing Game (RPG) industry. This place is NOT intended to be a medium of discussion about Mr. Whitman, pro or con, but instead be a "jumping off" point to enable the reader to make their own informed decision about Mr. Whitman's history and business character. (Editor's Note: After years of this documentation, we simply cannot be anything BUT "con" when it comes to Mr. Whitman)

Whenever possible, links to the original source material will be provided, but in many cases that information may have been deleted or secured behind restricted-access (like a private Facebook page) accounts.

Anything posted here is the opinion of the retrospective author and any content shown is to be considered "fair use" and posted for educational purposes only.

Note to authors: Please begin each post with the original date of the event being documented in the format of YYYY.MM.DD (i.e. If the event being recorded happened on March 15th, 2015 and today's date was August 8th, 2018 the beginning of the post's title would be 2015.03.15 and not 2018.08.08) so readers can use the Chronology page to find specific information. Please use appropriate tags when possible for the same reason.

Note to contributors: If you have some valid data to send, screenshots, links to other Ken Whitman stories, etc., please feel free to send a gmail to notanotherdimeblog. We'll look into it and post if appropriate.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

2016.09.27 Ken "Whit" Whitman's Glorious TV Debut

Ken "Whit" Whitman's Glorious TV Debut
No real news to report, but our main man Ken "Whit" Whitman did have about seven seconds of screen time on the pilot episode of MacGyver.

Now when Ken "Whit" Whitman tries to explain that he can't fulfill his Kickstarter obligations, it is because of his new film career, as demonstrated for seven seconds on TV last week.

Thanks to Tenkar's Tavern for the 411.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

2016.09.13 Ken "Whit" Whitman's Confusing Kenspeak

2016.09.13 Ken "Whit" Whitman's Confusing Kenspeak
We've been quite up-front that everything that is posted here at Not Another Dime (For Ken Whitman) is "fair use" and for educational purposes only. We try to provide links to the original source material whenever possible and encourage readers to assume NAD's bias against Ken "Whit" Whitman and to simply make up their own mind about the man and his assorted business dealings.

While we may or may not have had a bias against the man when we started, over a year of reading, researching, and reporting tend to leave a mark that is evident in our posts.

Today's post is, unfortunately, locked behind a dated "paywall" that required you to have contributed to the Knights of the Dinner Table: Live Action Series (KoDT:LAS) a couple of years ago. While we are posting the information here, you'll pretty much have to take our work for it.....although I'm sure we have some regular readers here who have access to said paywall and can confirm our information.

2016.09.13 Update Comment

"I belive I stated that we ran out of money, I also believe I stated that without the ability to generate more money it would take longer. I have backers from this very group, that will track me down at ANY JOB I have and tell them about this kickstarter. They have cost me several jobs, which means, I don't have the ability to produce the product. Its Kind of like cutting your nose in spite of your face.

So YES, i had to go covert for a bit, to keep these TROLLS from allowing me to survive.

I did plan to send out DVDs, but then thought how unfair it would be if some people got them and some did not. So, I have been devising a plan to distribute them fairly. However, the very very last one will go to Natasha, because she has gone out of the way to help me most. You my dear will get you on August first 2017!"

Wow.....where to start? First off this one post update comment really sums up Ken "Whit" Whitman's totality of interaction within the realm of the RPG industry. The update attempts to draw sympathy, fails to accept personal responsibility, blames others, attacks a supporter/backer, and is rife with errors....enough to be confusing unless you've become familiar with Kenspeak.

Notice how "we" ran out of money, but he ("I") need more money to work on an already well-funded project. Don't forget the money from book sales, double-sold book sales, and KenzerCo product that Ken "Whit" Whitman did not forward to KenzerCo. Nobody has seen the elusive soft-cover KoDT: 20 Years of Cover book and don't forget the $100 hardcover netted the man $83.08 each (gross).

Ken "Whit" Whitman not getting work isn't his fault.....people have been interfering with his ability to "work". More than likely, and this is our supposition, Ken "Whit" Whitman has failed to land specific jobs and has chosen to blame others instead of reflecting inward on what he could have done better to land that job. Also, if this inability to work is a survival issue, which smacks of self-pity, how can ANYONE expect work on already paid for Kickstarters? Maybe we just have different definitions of "survival".

In the last paragraph Ken "Whit" Whitman not-so-clearly expresses that he does not intend to fulfill his Kickstarter obligations if he is having to decide who gets their paid-for product and who does not. No worries there though because he has clearly chosen Natasha to be one who gets the DVD, but just the last one to be mailed, maybe, a year from now.....and that is because she's been the most helpful?

Yes, dear reader, this is a great example of Kenspeak. He's trying to say that Natasha, who at worst (for Ken "Whit" Whitman)  has been posting on the closed updates section of KoDT:LAS and the public comments page, has somehow caused him so much grief that he'll make sure she'll get the last DVD he produces. This really isn't saying much because our main man has yet to produce a single DVD......she'll get hers the 12th of Never like everyone else....

Saturday, September 3, 2016

2016.09.03 We Couldn't Let This Opportunity Slip Us By....

2016.09.03 We Couldn't Let This Opportunity Slip Us By....
Yesterday's post got us yet another WTF? update from our main man Ken "Whit" Whitman. We've stated before that in general we aren't going to allow his comments here at Not Another Dime (For Ken Whitman), primarily because he was baiting/attacking/something stupid to/with other commenters and we didn't feel it was appropriate to give the man another forum to do his thing when he already has so many other options available to him.

Of course when his comment was directed at NAD we felt inclined to allow it so we could respond publicly. This comment seemed directed at us and our initial response was to simply delete it as we are wont to do. The comment was shared with a few like-minded individuals and the general response was "you should allow that", so we are.

2016.09.03 Ken "Whit" Whitman Comment
"I see no news about my Emergency Gallbladder removal or the fact I taught my class two days after it, because I have to work so I can release my Kickstarters. My expertise comes from over 10k hours of shooting, writing & editing. I have filmed two feature length movies, two tv pilots and over 50 two minute demos, so I might actually know some shit. Also, I am SAG elegable, because I have speaking lines in upcoming movies. Do you guys really think I would have gotten this far without talent? Keep me in the front of gammers minds, then when I get everything back in order, well i will have you to help thank! Be Good."

Wow.....so much to comment on....we'll just have to start at the beginning.

"I see no news about my Emergency Gallbladder removal or the fact I taught my class two days after it, because I have to work so I can release my Kickstarters."

What does "Emergency Gallbladder removal" have to do with your unfulfilled Kickstarters? Not a damned thing, that's what. "I have to work so I can release my Kickstarters." Actually, you had quite the payday not only on those Kickstarters $177,095 (gross), not to mention an untold amount of sold/double-sold resin, books, & KenzerCo product. No, those projects were paid for already, you have to work to make people think you might get around to fulfilling those Kickstarter projects after you did whatever it was you did with all that money.

We won't even get into the offers of help or your attempts to pawn-off some of the Kickstarter fulfillment onto other people.

"My expertise comes from over 10k hours of shooting, writing & editing."

Yeah....we're going to call bullshit right here & now. 10,000 hours is eight (8) hours a day, five (5) days a week, fifty (50) weeks a year for five (5) years (8*5*50*5=10,000). Your "resume" and output just don't add up to those hours. We won't even get into what has been called the 10,000 hour rule.....

"I have filmed two feature length movies, two tv pilots and over 50 two minute demos, so I might actually know some shit."

Yeah...about that. Your IMDB page doesn't show "two feature length movies" More than likely you are counting KoDT:LAS, which is episodic and doesn't count by anyone's (who matters) definition. Spinward Traveller is undoubtedly the other "feature length movie", but really since neither have been released counting them as "filmed" doesn't really mean a whole helluva lot.

We will give you that you "know some shit", since you seem to produce jack-shit (You're what? 2 for 11 on the Kickstarters?)and spew a lot of shit online.

"Do you guys really think I would have gotten this far without talent? Keep me in the front of gammers minds, then when I get everything back in order, well i will have you to help thank! Be Good."

Our general research leads us to believe you've gotten this far from compartmentalizing your victims, moving enough to stay one step ahead of process servers, and cutting corners where you can. Of course selling products and not providing them (soft-cover KoDT books anyone?) probably helps as well. Oh wait, we forgot the tired trope of "I am working on the Kickstarters, give me more time, and I'll produce something sometime in the future." I think we've been calling that "kicking the can down the road". You've gotten far too mileage off of that one.

Of course all this commentary is just our opinion, even though a fair amount can be backed up with evidence, but I think it is safe to say that everyone that isn't Ken "Whit" Whitman or one of his sock-puppet accounts/ardent supporters would generally agree with us. By all means Kenny, prove us wrong......please prove us wrong. That would be awesome! This site doesn't really have much experience documenting you getting things right, so by all means, help us break some new ground here!

Friday, September 2, 2016

2016.09.02 A Twofer of Ken "Whit" Whitman Goodness

Thanks to a head's up from Tenkar's Tavern, we learned that Ken "Whit" Whitman is trying once again to fleece scam extract solicit funds from the pool of people that contributed to his Spinward Traveller Kickstarter.

Of course that project is coming up on two years late (December 2014 was the "estimated delivery" date), but Ken "Whit" Whitman has the end credits done.....kind of. For the low, low price of only $10 you can get your name added as a backer.

This is quite the bargain because during the actual fundraising campaign, you had to pledge at least $40 to get your name in the credits. 486 people pledged less than $40, so Ken "Whit" Whitman has a potential take of $4,860. Of course so much of the fundraising for this particular project was done off-books from the official Kickstarter campaign and this little attempt at an add-on is also off-book as Ken "Whit" Whitman is using a Square Store for this additional "funding" source.

We highly suspect that anybody who wants to send Ken "Whit" Whitman $10 can have their name added to the movie that may never see the light of day, no need to be part of the 486 allegedly-eligible backers from 2014....

Ken "Whit" Whitman Wants another $4860 for Spinward Traveller
"Hey Everyone,
First let me say that I am sorry it has taken so long to get Spinward Traveller off the ground, I am work with Far Future Enterprises to get this project into your hands as soon as possible.

As you know we have released the end credits with all the backers names that paid $40 or more, more than a few of you have asked if you can get your name in the credits.

So, for an additional $10 we would be happy to include you name, in the credits.

These additional money will be used to help me spend more time editing, and speeding up the edit process. With a little luck and tenacity, I play to have a finished product by the end of this year. Look for an announcement from FFE in the next few months.

Thank you for being understanding. You can log on to my new store at Whit Studios. (weblink removed, -Editor) The credit purchase in on the main page.

Thank you for your time,
Ken Whitman"

After the initial shock of a) Ken "Whit" Whitman asking for more money and b) Ken "Whit" Whitman screwing over the 107 backers who pledged at the "NAME CREDIT PACKAGE" specifically to get their name in the credits, our first real question was, "Does Far Future Enterprises know about this?" Of course this leads to more questions. What is their role? What do they stand to gain from this?

Who knows......we, don't!

Ken "Whit" Whitman "Back to Set" Workshops
On a slightly related front, Ken "Whit" Whitman is sharing his "expertise" at workshops for TDH Talent Unlimited. While it is great news, at least for him, that he is getting some work, we can't help but wonder where is his expertise stemming from? He wrote/acted in a season and a half of Brother's Barbarian and directed three Kickstarter projects that are unfulfilled. He's also done some one-off extra work. One could easily argue he's never really gone "back" to anything......at least not enough to be an expert.

If TDH Talent Unlimited is happy, and their clients/actors are happy, it probably doesn't matter......