A Brief Introduction to this Page's Purpose

Not Another Dime! is dedicated to documenting the assorted, and sometimes wild, details of Mr. Ken Whitman's business dealings within the Role Playing Game (RPG) industry. This place is NOT intended to be a medium of discussion about Mr. Whitman, pro or con, but instead be a "jumping off" point to enable the reader to make their own informed decision about Mr. Whitman's history and business character. (Editor's Note: After years of this documentation, we simply cannot be anything BUT "con" when it comes to Mr. Whitman)

Whenever possible, links to the original source material will be provided, but in many cases that information may have been deleted or secured behind restricted-access (like a private Facebook page) accounts.

Anything posted here is the opinion of the retrospective author and any content shown is to be considered "fair use" and posted for educational purposes only.

Note to authors: Please begin each post with the original date of the event being documented in the format of YYYY.MM.DD (i.e. If the event being recorded happened on March 15th, 2015 and today's date was August 8th, 2018 the beginning of the post's title would be 2015.03.15 and not 2018.08.08) so readers can use the Chronology page to find specific information. Please use appropriate tags when possible for the same reason.

Note to contributors: If you have some valid data to send, screenshots, links to other Ken Whitman stories, etc., please feel free to send a gmail to notanotherdimeblog. We'll look into it and post if appropriate.

Monday, February 10, 2025

2025.01.28 Nope, Not Going to Happen

2025.01.28 Nope, Not Going to Happen

It's been a hot minute since we've bothered to look at the comments for Not Another Dime (for Ken Whitman), so apologies for that. We don't get too many comments here to begin with so it isn't a priority. We used to allow our raison d'être to comment here, which sounded like a good idea, but it was too rife for abuse, especially since Kenny likes to say....stuff....online and then delete it, which is actually the reason why we take efforts to post screen captures and paste the appropriate body of text when we can as well.

On a more recent post, 2024.11.25 Ken "Whit" Whitman Reaches Out to KS Backers, Clearly Trying to Take Credit for ZOE's Efforts, We had a comment provided by Jolly Blackburn, arguably the single largest victim of Ken "Whit" Whitman's Kickstarter Scams, "intersting side comment. Ken Whitman does NOT have the Zoe-edited/rescued episodes to send out. That's because he had ZERO to do with getting the DVDs to backers since he'd long abandoned the project and refused respond. So this is all an effort to blow smoke while he attempts to ease back into the sphere of gaming, I suppose."

We're of the opinion that Mr. Blackburn's comment hit a little too close to home because Ken decided he needed to get in his 2¢ in with a comment.

Ken "Whit" Whitman Attempted Comment

Yeah, that's just not going to happen. We had to decide a while ago that we were not going to let Ken...Whit....whatever, use NAD, a blog about his various scams, schemes, and assorted BS be a vehicle for him to spread even more lies and misinformation....and the contents of the comments were a mix if lies and irrelevant truths. We had considered just sending the screenshot with his commentary to Mr. Blackburn, but to what effect?

We could have just not posted the comment, marked it as spam, or ignored it, but instead we just deleted it. This basically shows that a comment was made, but nobody can read it...not even us. The screen grab has already been deleted and all that exists now is this post and the brief reminder it even exists.

Unfortunately this means you'll have to take our word about the contents.....but we're good with you (or anyone) assuming we're just lying ourselves. Please, assume that the content completely exonerates all of Kenny's buffoonery and we're burying it because it singularly elevates Mr. Whitman to Sainthood. 

Of course in that case we'd wonder why this is the only place you cannot see that particular bit of information, but you can read some of the many, many things, Ken has said online elsewhere...... 

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

2024.12.08 Ken "Whit" Whitman Has an Advertising "News" Article Published

2024.12.08 Ken "Whit" Whitman Has an Advertising "News" Article Published
We've called it already that our man Kenny (Ken "Whit" Whitman) is trying to form a "school" to milk somebody, presumably children and the Commonwealth of Kentucky, out of their money. Sure, it's speculation, but the more we see, the more the speculation makes sense.....

Take this "interview" from Wave 3 News:

Wave 3 "News" Article
It is the latest project for Fort Knox native Whit Whitman’s production company, Little Monsters Entertainment, Inc.

It’s about “a bunch of homeless people who find [the] body of the richest man in Danville and so they dress up and go live in his mansion for Christmas Eve. Interesting part is, the guy wasn’t dead.”

Whitman started writing movie scripts 11 years ago. Since then, he has produced eight movies, three of them in Danville.

But what’s a reason to shoot movies in Kentucky?

Well, Whitman tells us the state has tax incentive laws, which help him fund his movies.

“When movies come here, our government actually helps them with whatever money they put into the state of Kentucky,” Whitman says.

He says it’s usually for smaller budget movies up to $1.5 million.

Whitman’s real spark for his passion comes from teaching others.

A lot of the crew members and actors in his movies are local students looking to dip their toes into the film industry.

Whitman tells us he almost gave up on storytelling three years ago, but mentoring is what changed his mind.

“I thought I was getting out of it and then these kids said no will you teach us about this? And so the universe gave storytelling back to me.”

Whitman says he wants to open up a technical school to teach young adults to write, produce, edit and act.

“I would like to take it out of Hollywood’s hands and make a blue collar, small, version that anyone could do. And that’s just gonna require someone like me to teach young kids a system that doesn’t cost a lot of money,” Whitman says.

He tells us another movie is coming up in January and several others are in the works.

“Home-less for the Holidays” is now streaming on Amazon Prime, the Roku Channel, and will be available on Tubi December 12.

Anyone interested in learning more about becoming involved with Little Monsters Entertainment can find their website here.

Wow, a lot to unpack here. 1st this is so not an interview. There is literally only one question asked, "But what’s a reason to shoot movies in Kentucky?" This is a promotional piece for Kenny's "school"....oh, but it actually isn't! "Little Monsters Entertainment, Inc." is listed at the beginning of the piece. 

Little Monsters Entertainment 2.0

Hmm......Little Monsters? That's not the name of Kenny's company....it was Little Monster (no "s")....what's up with that I wonder?

Oh for fuck's sake! Kenny has a new company! There is a new company that has a rather interesting incorporation date....the same day as the "interview"!

We wonder if this company was created to take advantage of the typo as the one company he has that is actually still active was "Little Monster Entertainment Inc." While there is this alleged school, no direct mention is made of it. The end of the article has a link to the Little Monster website, but NOT to the home page. No....instead it links to his "Actors Retreats" webpage.

This basically make the whole article an ad for the current film and for Kenny's Actor Retreats.

This article is also a bit misleading, because it's mostly Ken's words. The guidelines for those Kentucky Tax incentives are interesting. 1st of, it's not for films "up to $1.5 million" like Whit Whitman says, but it's for films production companies doing a minimum of $10M a year and $1.5M per production! Also the company needs to have 50% of that funding "available" and the "ability to raise the remaining funds necessary"

Now we can't speak for any prospective investors, but Kenny has already been proven to not be able to handle, what?......$186K in Kickstarter funds? Who TF thinks that having $5M on-hand is a good thing for Ken "Whit" Whitman? Not anyone here at NAD. Makes me think that his repeated mantra of "only" paying himself $18K a year is out there for multiple reasons....

Monday, November 25, 2024

2024.11.25 Ken "Whit" Whitman Reaches Out to KS Backers, Clearly Trying to Take Credit for ZOE's Efforts

2024.11.25 Ken "Whit" Whitman Reaches Out to KS Backers, Clearly Trying to Take Credit for ZOE's Efforts
Today one of our editors was perusing Facebook and saw this post from an old gaming buddy that had backed Kenny's KoDT: Live Action Series Kickstarter:

"Ken Whitman asking for help was not not [sic] on my 2024 Bingo card. What a joke"

Of course his interest was piqued and one info request later we got this message:

"I am writing to verify the distribution status of the KODT DVDs. The completed episodes were

Kenny's BS Update on Kickstarter

provided to ZOE, who out of kindness handled DVD distribution to backers. However, I want to confirm whether you received your copy.

Please respond to this message with:

Your backer name/information Whether you received a DVD from ZOE 

If you recieve it, please confirm your current mailing address This information will help me:

Document which backers still need fulfillment 

Follow up with ZOE regarding any missing deliveries 

Create a clear record of the current situation

I understand there has been a lot of confusion and frustration around this project. While I no longer hold the rights to produce or distribute KODT content, I want to ensure every backer receives what they were promised.

Please respond within the next 14 days so I can compile a complete list and determine next steps.

Thank you for your patience and assistance in resolving this matter.

Sincerely, Ken Whitman"

Holy hell, this is a lot to digest......lets go through it quickly:

KoDT: LAS Movie Poster Package

"I am writing to verify the distribution status of the KODT DVDs. The completed episodes were provided to ZOE, who out of kindness handled DVD distribution to backers. However, I want to confirm whether you received your copy."

No....."complete episodes" were not provided to ZOE. They got the one episode and a bunch of rough cuts and raw footage that Ben Dobyns worked on in his "own time (and dime)" according to Jolly Blackburn. Kenny DID try to take credit for those DVDs, in court no less, BUT they were supposed to be Blu-Rays. 291 were promised Blu-Rays that had a lot more than just the three episodes...

"Please respond to this message with:

Your backer name/information Whether you received a DVD from ZOE 

If you receive it, please confirm your current mailing address This information will help me:

Document which backers still need fulfillment 

Follow up with ZOE regarding any missing deliveries 

Create a clear record of the current situation"

So if ZOE missed someone you are going to do...what? You've already stated you cannot deliver the product, the product that was worked on privately by a third party isn't the product you promised, and were paid for....the clear record of the situation is that you owe a LOT of people refunds as you don't/can't/haven't provide(d) what you signed up for. THAT is the "current situation".

"I understand there has been a lot of confusion and frustration around this project. While I no longer hold the rights to produce or distribute KODT content, I want to ensure every backer receives what they were promised."

No confusion as you haven't delivered much of anything technically. No DVDs, no Blu-Rays, no movie posters, no premier (don't forget that the GenCon premiere wasn't ACTUALLY the promised premiere as he showed footage at an earlier convention...oh and you didn't have the promised, and again paid for, after-party with the actors. Again, 99% of promised content has not been delivered by Ken "Whit" Whitman (remember that he is personally liable as D20 Entertainment didn't exist when the Kickstarter ran) and he's telling us he cannot deliver it even if he had something to deliver....

"Please respond within the next 14 days so I can compile a complete list and determine next steps.

Thank you for your patience and assistance in resolving this matter.

Sincerely, Ken Whitman"

Please, please hurry and give Kenny your contact info that he already has access to (providing it doesn't need updating) so he can hurry up and resolve an issue he's largely ignored for....what...roughly 116 weeks at least?

Sunday, November 24, 2024

2024.11.19 Checking in on Ken "Whit" Whitman's 1st Movie Premiere

2024.11.19 Checking in on Ken "Whit" Whitman's 1st Movie Premiere
It looks like Kenny FINALLY managed to get one of his films finished as Home Less for the Holidays had a premiere last week in New Albany, Indiana.

I know, starting a film and actually finishing it, in a year no less?!!!


While looking for some word about the premiere...the best we could find is one attendee/cast member posting some pictures. Not one pic of our main man, which is odd if he was the Director & Writer....

...also odd that, aside from trying to sell tickets to the premiere and an after-party (Hey, we've seen that before, and you can see where we got the idea for our name!) there is no mention of this movie on the Little Monster Entertainment website. 2024.11.27 Edit There is, just the page is only linked from a single spot elsewhere.

What we did stumble upon, and made us laugh, is this article from January that had some choice words from our main man (and our commentary):

"Like any production, I am making a hundred decisions an hour....." Ninety-nine of those decisions are how I'm going to make a buck off of this...

"We are on schedule and that is what you want to hear about halfway through filming a movie. On an independent film, you do not have the pleasure of a large budget 30 day production." On schedule? He's running what...a decade or so behind on some of his other films. Pretty sure this is the first one to actually see the light of day.

"We do education equity, we are running a school where a film happens to be made. The students do classes in the mornings, we want to get everyone up to par so when you see them on camera you are like oh, those are real actors. We are like an acting school on speed." So the students are the product being generated, not the movies. He's creating "real actors"? Ken "Whit" Whitman being on speed would explain a lot....Freudian slip?

"Being the writer I always try to make sure an instructor is in the scene with the new actors...I used to play college football..." Had absolutely nothing to do with the interview/task on hand.

Later in the article Actor Al Snow states, "Kentucky Joe suffers from CTE and a little bit of dementia." Hmmmm, our boy wrote that and dipping back into the CTE seems to reiterate that Kenny thinks he has this degenerative brain disorder.

Of course the article ends mentioning that Little Monster Entertainment has "several upcoming actor retreats".

Friday, November 15, 2024

We're Certain Found Ken, er Whit Whitman's Current Scheme: AI Music

We're Certain Found Ken, er Whit Whitman's Current Scheme: AI Music
 99.9% Sure that we've found another alias for Ken "Whit" Whitman...and technically it wouldn't be an alias, but a fake persona for our main man...possibly a persona that allows him to make some money on the side.

Alex Idell

Seriously, who the hell is Alex Idell? As near as we can tell a literal nobody. This persona is allegedly a singer with no social media presence outside of being in some Little Monsters Entertainment "videos".

Now think about it a minute....do you know a single musical artist that is not doing everything they can to "get their name out there"? None of us can.

Our hot take is that Alex Idell isn't actually a person, but an AI generated set of musical tones. This is our reasoning:

  1. The entire lack of social media presence outside of, at the time of writing, three (3) Little Monster Entertainment "videos".
  2. The entire lack of ANY web results outside of the aforementioned videos (Kenny, that word means "stuff we said earlier").
  3. "Lyrics by Whit Whitman" appear on each video, as well as "©2024 by Whit Whitman" on two of the videos.
  4. You can buy Alex Idell's MP3 Album for $9.99 on Amazon Music
  5. The videos are dated August 21, 23, and 24th of this year and they are all obviously AI generated videos.
Now, this doesn't obviously point to fact that Alex Idell is an AI, but.....

AI Song "The English Rap"

Little Monsters also uploaded a song/video called "The English Rap" and that one is denoted as "Performed by AI" as well as "Lyrics ©2024 Whit Whitman." Who really thinks that our main man, who self-professes to be "just trying to survive and make money" has the bandwidth to be writing music? On top of making movies and mentoring children?

...and if he's such a film-maker, why is he using AI generated music videos? Allegedly he knows how to make short form video as he's been proffering himself as a mentor and industry professional for years. This would be a great opportunity to promote himself as a filmmaker.....but instead he's using AI. The album: Persistence to the Point of Success isn't showing up anywhere...yet.

So we have evidence of Ken "Whit" Whitman using AI to make music and to make videos. It isn't a huge leap of logic to assume he's also using it to write the music and to create a virtual singer. 

Oh, and Alex Idell isn't the only one...there is also Atlanta Ingram who doesn't seem to have any existence outside of the song, "Home-Less for the Holidays", which seems to be the theme song for the same titled movie that Kenny has coming out next week.

Of course Kenny hasn't disclosed that these videos are AI generated, which is a YouTube requirement:

"Creators must disclose content that:

  • Makes a real person appear to say or do something they didn’t do
  • Alters footage of a real event or place
  • Generates a realistic-looking scene that didn’t actually occur
This could include content that is fully or partially altered or created using audio, video or image creation or editing tools."

The emphasis is ours.....

See for yourself:

2024.11.24 Edit: We found a single bare-bones website for "her". There is a contact page at the address listed is for a Ghanaian LGBTQ+ non-profit located in San Francisco! Yeah....between this address and the fact that the contact page shows "Contact us today to book your appointment or to learn more about our luxurious spa services!", we're certain it's a bogus site for a bogus person.
Fake Contact Page

The "About Page" is clearly a placeholder for what was a sample website, not unlike the placeholders on the www.communityfilmcollaborative.org website. Oh and this website, Little Monster Entertainment website, and the communityfilmcollaborative website are all registered through the same registrar...and it isn't a big name one, so quite a coincidence....

...what isn't a coincidence is that the home page graphic you're to believe is Alex Idell (OK, we just got that her initials are "AI") is a stock image file used a lot of places.
Reverse Image Search

We're totally calling, with 100% confidence, that this is a fake person, presumably created by Ken "Whit" Whitman.